Building A Food Diet For Acid Reflux

Dr. Eric Serrano is the ace sought out by elite athletes around the world for help with the most difficult of problems. He spends a large part of his time promoting the health of his everyday family practice patients in Pickerington, a suburb of Columbus Ohio. Amongst the thousands of patients are elite athletes from around the globe who will travel to the ends of the earth to consult with Dr. Serrano.

And I'm not talking about a2 milk vs a1 milk any crazy fad Atkins Maple syrup cabbage soup etc etc kind of diet. When I say diet I am talking about the things that we eat the way we eat and how meals are structured throughout the day because all these things play a role in the way our body holds and burns fat.

The following light products really save you lots - over 30 percent saving in fat (or sugar or alcohol) AND kilojoules - and can make a difference to your diet efforts.

You should make meal plans ahead when trying to eat healthy. With this schedule, it will keep you from being tempted to eat things you shouldn't. Treat your meal plan as being set in stone. You can exchange meals from one day to another if you want to, but do not substitute fast food if you want a convenient meal. An easy way to burn off some extra calories is by simply cooking your own food.

#1 Always be in a hurry. This is called "Urgency" I've got no time to sit down and have a cup of coffee with you Mr. Prospect. I've got BUYERS to get to. So lets get this deal closed and we can both get on with our busy day.

You are probably thinking well why's water so important? Well the majority of the body is made up of water and we can survive longer without food than we can without water. Other drinks and foods can dehydrate the body like foods that are high in salt and high in sugar, drinks and foods packed full of caffeine can also dehydrate the body.

Dr. S: Water should be at the bottom because you can die after 3 days without water. Tell me which food is more essential than that? Next would be proteins, preferably organic. Then comes vegetables, everything but white potatoes (sweet potatoes are fine) and corn (which is actually a grain). The next level involves fruits and nuts together - I consider these the same in value. Cheeses follow since most are not fermented. After this comes carbohydrates - the best sources are rice and oatmeal. My food pyramid would include a disclaimer that reads: "Carbohydrates are activity dependent!" If you are a couch potato, then you should not consume any carbohydrates - no grains or anything - and fruit click here only occasionally. However, if you are active, then by all means, consume those carbs.

Since adding dairy back into my diet, going black on my tea and coffee, adding back the booze, increasing my portion sizes back to guidelines, and eating a banana a day so my body can use the potassium instead of water-hugging sodium, I have dropped 2 kg. And I'm feeling great with it.

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